Prêt Privé is the first site dedicated to private lending or private loans. With access credits made available to individuals without going through a bank. 

A private loan can also be directed to an individual or a business in the form of a conventional loan or microcredit.

Private lending has become a particularly advantageous financing option in these days of crisis where it is no longer easy to obtain credit without having to submit to drastic financing conditions. Conventional consumer loans remain expensive up to 15% on average interest rates and even 20% on revolving loans; The interest rate on private loans ranges between 4% and 5.5% per year.

There are two distinct forms of private lending: loans between individuals who know each other (family members, friends) and loans between private individuals (internet platforms linking borrowers and lenders who do not know each other).

Private Loan between parties who know each other:

The Civil Code recommends that any loan in excess of 760 euros must be submitted in writing. You will then have the choice between

The loan by private deed, that is to say without the intervention of the notary and without any particular modality of repayment

The notarial loan: the notary draws up the deed. This option is accompanied by a fee.

The individual loan is for anyone who wants to get a loan without going through a bank.

Loans between private individuals proves to be the solution to get a loan especially if the borrower finds himself bank of france (ficp). After you have registered, you can make your loan applications online. This will be visible on the "Loan List" page. It will then suffice for a lender to click on "contact" and then fill in a form and you will receive the offers directly on your mail box. Your registration also gives you the opportunity to contact an agency of professional brokers as well as brokerage advisors.


Loans-among-individuals-creditsIn family or friends, money loans should not be a source of conflict.
For that, only one solution: Go to a "lender" and do everything in writing.
To borrow money, you do not have to go to a financial institution.
Most often, this happens in a friendly or family setting.
Few people formalize this operation in writing ... and many people regret it bitterly!

Loan-entre-particuliers-credits It is indeed essential to accomplish certain formalities for this type of loan.
Failing this, it may be much more difficult to recover the sums due.

Loans-between-individuals-credits Loans between individuals are subject to the rules of the loan contract in general:

- their remuneration is free (within the limits of the usury rates)
- above an amount of € 760, the drafting of a deed, specifying the terms of repayment, is mandatory and entails declaratory tax obligations.

Loans-between-individuals-creditsTerritorial tax obligations

Before 15 February of the year following the granting of the loan:

- you must declare to the tax authorities any loan in excess of 760 euros, even if it is not formalized in writing, on a printed document n ° 2062 "Declaration of loan agreement", available for download on this site or In a tax center.
If, in a given calendar year, a single creditor or debtor has agreed or obtained several loans of a unit amount equal to or less than EUR 760 but whose total principal exceeds that limit, all such loans must Be declared by the said creditor or debtor: it is therefore not possible to circumvent this obligation by splitting a loan into several loans below that limit.

- If the loan was made with interest, you must declare the amount on printed paper No. 2561, available on this site or in a tax center.

In addition, if you are the lender, you will have to report the interest collected on your income tax return under the heading of income from movable capital.

Loans-among-individuals-credits If you are a lender and liable to wealth solidarity tax (ISF), the loan granted constitutes a debt that must be included in your taxable assets.
Conversely, if you are a borrower and taxable at the ISF, you can deduct the loan from your taxable assets.

Standard Terms for a Home Loan

I lend money to a friend, a neighbor, a colleague ..... What to do?

Pret-entre-private-creditsYou have a vested interest in writing a letter, even between friends.
It justifies the remittance of funds, specifies the terms of the loan (interest rate or not, repayment terms ...), and facilitates the recovery of the loan in default of repayment. This writing can take the form of a debt recognition or a notarized mortgage.

Loan-between-private-creditsThe choice between these two agreements depends on the amount of the loan and the risk you intend to run. If you opt for a debt recognition, the act can be established under private signature and in as many originals as parts. It must bear the written indication of the debtor's hand of the amount due, in letters and figures.

Loan-among-individuals-credits Registration of the said deed with the tax authorities is optional. Its sole purpose is to give a certain date. It has disadvantages. If your debtor is recalcitrant, you are obliged to go to court to take protective measures, because it is a private deed.

On the other hand, having only the status of unsecured creditor, all other creditors, privileged and mortgages, are reimbursed first. If you preferred to establish a notarized mortgage loan contract, you will benefit from a mortgage guarantee.

Loans-of-individuals-credits Whatever the nature of the act, the following tax formalities must be completed:

By borrower
- declaration of the existence of the loan,
- declaration of interest paid to the lender.

By the lender
- declaration of interest received on the declaration of income.

Auto Credit      

Want to change car or just buy a new one? Younited Credit accompanies you with advice and helps you to finance the acquisition of a vehicle.

What is auto loan?

A car loan is a loan dedicated to the purchase of a new or used car. This type of loan is triggered when acquiring an auto and can therefore be canceled as well as motorcycle credit. Thus, it differs from a personal loan that is intended to strengthen a cash flow. Credit car or car loan is therefore better perceived by a banker than the personal loan.

Car credit between a new or used car

For the purchase of a new or used vehicle, the mode of operation of the auto credit does not change. Obviously prices are very often different between a new and used vehicle. Therefore, the volume of credit is not the same. However, in the case of a new vehicle, the banker takes into account the contribution of cash to the resale of the vehicle if it takes place within the first 5 years after purchase. In the case of a used car, even if the price is lower, the contribution of cash to resale is often less.

Before making an auto credit, calculate your car loan capacity well in order to get an idea of ​​the maximum loan you can apply for.

Why choose Younited Credit for its auto loan?

Younited Credit is an institution approved by the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR) which is not a bank. But Younited offers a simple and online credit, with a response in just a few clicks and a financing decision in less than 24h after receipt of the file.

Younited Credit is an intermediary, the platform collects funds from professional investors (natural persons, but also legal entities: companies, pension funds, insurers, foundations, etc.). These collected funds finance household borrowing, a collaborative and virtuous system.

Thanks to our innovative and secure internet platform, you can benefit from the best rates for your car credit, so do not hesitate to simulate a car loan.

Credit Work     

Your home needs a refit? Want to enlarge? Yes, but renovations such as renovations are often expensive. To carry out your work, Younited will accompany you, advise you and offer you a cheap job loan.

Loan Works: a need for thoughtful financing

Everyone has an idea of ​​work, expansion or renovation at home well before its realization. Indeed, it takes time to prospect the construction companies, to ask for an estimate, to have the necessary funds and to finally realize its project. Asking for a loan for house work is therefore only part of a long process started well in advance.

To finance its work, there are alternatives to

The work quotes are expensive and may require a real estate loan. However, it is important not to neglect possible aid or funding such as the zero-rate loan or the tax credit that triggers under certain conditions (see our guides on this subject).

In case your cash does not allow you to directly finance the work of your dreams, the loan work is a solution. Before starting a credit application works, calculate your borrowing capacity well.

Loan Works at Younited Credit: how does it work?

Younited Credit offers a loan of a new kind, loans are financed by professional Investors (natural persons, but also legal entities: companies, pension funds, insurers, foundations etc.). It is therefore not a bank but a collaborative and virtuous loan that helps you to realize your projects.

Younited is a lending platform for individuals that wants to be simple and fast. Simply make an online application, choose your type of credit and fill in the requested information. A reply in principle is provided at the end of the tunnel, then, upon receipt of the file for your credit works, you will receive a definitive answer within 24 hours by SMS.

Consumer credit

You want to make a credit to buy a consumer good (TV, household appliances, etc.)? Consider choosing the loan that will bind you in the next few years to a bank or a credit institution.

Ready for consumption: definition

Consumer credit is a loan that meets a cash need of a borrower wishing to finance the purchase of consumer goods. It is therefore not an earmarked credit, that is, a credit that triggers the purchase of a product and the presentation of its invoice (as for auto credit).

A consumer loan is granted by a credit institution to the extent that the borrower is able to repay it. Thus, any borrower must know his borrowing capacity consumption before making his credit application and inquire about the borrowing rates offered by the consumer credit market.

Opting for fast and cheap consumer credit at Younited

Younited Credit is the first online retail credit platform in France that has its own credit institution approval issued by the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR).

Its operating mode differs from the banks: Younited Crédit offers a collaborative loan whose funds made available to borrowers are collected from professional investors (natural persons, but also legal entities: companies, pension funds, insurers, foundations etc.).

The credo of Younited Credit? Transform credit by making it simpler, more transparent and above all faster!

At Younited Credit, make a cheap credit with cheap and fair consumer loan rates.

Ready for consumption: how does it work at Younited Credit?

It's very simple and fast ! Everything is done online, you just have to fill a request on the site of Younited Credit. At the end of this application, you receive an immediate policy response for your consumer loan.

You must then send us your credit report, and Younited Credit will send you a quick reply regarding your consumer credit: you will receive an SMS confirming your request for financing in less than 24 hours Receipt of your complete file!

Do not wait any more to make a first simulation of consumer loan and come to discover our rates of consumer loan.

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